Got a hard copy printed to show off
Today I printed a hard copy of the manuscript. That’s all.
Today I printed a hard copy of the manuscript. That’s all.
After 2 rounds of professional edits from Cara Lockwood, on top of the 20 rounds of edits I did on my own, the manuscript is finally complete! It is ready to be sent out to agents. I will begin that process next week of figuring out which agents to submit query letters to.
Cara has returned my manuscript after her 2nd round of edits, along with notes for my query letter. Progress is being made! Hi Sean! I’ve got your edits here, and I think this manuscript is even stronger and it was already in very good shape. I’ve offered some suggestions in track changes. Go ahead and…
Hooray! Exciting! I have good news. Several items actually. 1 – I got married on June 14th to Amanda Kipp! We just got back from the Dominican Republic, which was amazing. And when I got back, I received the following good news from my editor Cara Lockwood: Dear Sean, Congratulations on the wedding and honeymoon!…
I am happy to announce that I have decided on an editor for my novel Sunlight Parted! I searched for weeks online and sent out several feelers and questions to prospecting editors, and I believe I have selected one of the best out there. Her name is Cara Lockwood. She is a USA Today best-selling…
Well, 3 years after I outlined the book, I have completed the rough draft! I know it seems like a long time, but really I didn’t work too hard the first two years. To give you an idea of my progress, consider this – I outlined the book and wrote the first 5 chapters in…
This post is obviously unnecessary, since you are here and reading this – you are obviously aware of the new website. But if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to post it anyways. It was time for a re-vamp of, and I think this new website is exactly what I’ve been wanting.…