Glowing Review

I received a very nice review today on Amazon from a stranger that I have never met. He heard about my book on and bought the Kindle version. When I read his review I had to take a screenshot!

Typos & Corrections

So most books have typos, errors, and correction needs, especially the first edition or two. So since several people have told me they found errors in the book, I made this blog entry for people to comment on and leave me notes. That way I can make the corrections and then give them to the…

Book Signing a Success

I am happy to say that the book signing was a success. I sold out of the books that Barnes and Noble supplied, and then went through all of mine but 3! And lots of people came up to buy books that weren’t friends or family. I was most happy about that. I had an…

Thanks Courier Press in Evansville

I was happy to find out that the Courier Press ran an announcement for my book signing. I was actually unaware that they were doing it. Someone at work brought it to me and said “Hey, I see you made print today.” I had never heard it said that way. He’s not the youngest chicken…

The Books Arrived!!!

I’m so excited to finally be holding a physical copy of my book! I really like the size I have chosen (5.25 x 8.00 inches), since that is my favorite size for a novel, but with only 61,000 words, it became 210 pages, and slightly thinner than I would have liked. Maybe I’ll get some…