Print Copies on the way!!!

I’m very excited to announce that I have approved the layout/look/interior/exterior templates for my novel, and it should be available to purchase in paperback form as soon as this Friday at many major online book retailers such as,,,, etc… There might be a book signing in Evansville sometime as well. I…

Kindle Version Now Available

I am excited to announce that the Kindle version of my first novel, Sunlight Parted, is now available on the Amazon website. It’s only $6.39! So head on over to and type my name – “SEAN REDENBAUGH” into the search bar. You will find both of my books on there. Right now only the…

2nd Round of Edits Received

Cara has returned my manuscript after her 2nd round of edits, along with notes for my query letter. Progress is being made! Hi Sean! I’ve got your edits here, and I think this manuscript is even stronger and it was already in very good shape. I’ve offered some suggestions in track changes. Go ahead and…